We flew into Phoenix and honestly had no idea how many fabulous people we know there, until we made a Facebook check-in. And then we were shattered we had to tear off the next day, after of course a delicious sidetrip to Wholefoods. Sooooo LOVE Wholefoods – please go GLOBAL. Phoenix friends… we WILL be back and see you all. And there will be much food, coffees/cocktails, catch-ups and photos.
This is an excerpt from a 2012 blog post. You can read the entire post with photos here.
So north we went. At first we were thinking we’d head back to Antelope Canyon. For a revisit, to play in those sunbeams again. And then we faced facts – we’d better get that Ignite written, so it was work, work, work and then some lottery fun. But more on that later. We arrived in Page just in time for a magic Lake Powell sunset. The sun went down, the gold came out and those reflections…those dreamy reflections… Navajo Mountain in the background. Blues, dusty pinks, violets and very hue in between. Hello Page. So good to see you again.
After the sun went firmly down we hightailed it back to the local Super 8 or Motel 6 or something like that, to get to bed. For the next day was all about that lottery win. We were cashing in the tickets and heading to THE WAVE. And that adventure – in all it’s unadulterated glory will feature in a separate blog post on Friday March 9… Come back then for some bacon, caramel and aliensque landscaping.
After The Wave, as mentioned, we were thinking of heading back to Antelope Canyon, one of our all-time favourite places. But writing our Ignite presentation was playing on our minds and so we decided to let the desert inspire us and write. All day. We worked hard and nutted it all out. Got the slides sent off with nary a tantrum all day. Nary…
Antelope Canyon would have been a little less vibrant than our last visit as the skies were dull. But we decided after working all day, to head to Horseshoe Bend to watch sunset. We’d been here several years before and got this shot…
However we must have had a lot more courage that time…with no fence and 3 deaths just last year, the drop seemed so much more real this time. Or perhaps we are just older. And way more chicken. And stressing as others got to close to the edge. Too close.
Crawling and sliding on our stomachs to hang over the edge we tried to get the shot as we did all those years ago. But with clouds and looming showers it wasn’t to be. And we chickened out. Really chickened out. But hey, in our defense there was a Walmart just up the road, brand new from our last visit. And it was calling. So that’s where we headed (which incidentally ended up being far more dangerous than Horseshoe bend, as Trace had someone sit on her…in store…for real.)
But still at Horseshoe Bend, perhaps it was more visualizing that nothing was under us… as the sign instructed, that scared us so much. Pity that Walmart didn’t have similar signage.
The shock of ledges and being squashed notwithstanding we always seem to find inspiration in the desert. And those few days in Page were no exception. Ignite done. It was then time to hit the road. And practice. Practice. Practice. More tales, miles and ridiculous roadside America highlights to come.
Keywords: arizona (4), lake powell (2), navajo (4), page (4), sunset (7).Japan Wedding Planning & Photography | 3-8-25-703 Kamiochiai, Shinjuku-ku TOKYO Japan 161-0034 | 070-4129-2485 | info@37framesphotography.com | Copyright©2025